CAA reveals Edge Hill University SU president-elect believes his Holocaust mockery scandal was a conspiracy to damage him as hundreds sign petition calling for his ouster
The President-Elect of Edge Hill University’s Students’ Union ‘liked’ a statement on Instagram that claimed that a scandal for which he apologised was in fact a conspiracy to damage him.
Following contact from an alumnus of the university, Campaign Against Antisemitism can reveal that Sam Farrell ‘liked’ a statement saying: “there is evidence suggesting the whole Sam Farrell exposed thing was planned as a back-up in case he won”.
The statement apparently referred to the scandal arising from images posted on social media and revealed by Campaign Against Antisemitism earlier this year following a tip from a disgusted student in which Mr Farrell, then a candidate for the presidency of the Students’ Union, is seen apparently dressed in striped pyjamas with a number appended, and wearing a cap, reminiscent of an inmate at Nazi concentration camps. Captions accompanying the images referred to “needing a shower” and “feeling gassed”.
Mr Farrell subsequently won the election and apologised for his behaviour. However, Mr Farrell ‘liked’ the Instagram statement several days after he apologised, indicating that he is not repentant or does not actually understand the offence he caused.
The alumnus commented: “I have read in the news about the disgusting behaviour of the Students’ Union President-Elect Sam Farrel and I am outraged that the university has not forced him to step down yet. He issued an apology but I feel that if he had truly changed his views he would have voluntarily stepped down from his role as his past behaviour makes him unfit to represent all students at the university.” With regard to the Instagram post, the former student said: “This post was made after he had made a public apology about the issue. The fact that he ‘liked’ this post clearly shows that he is only sorry because he was called out on his behaviour.”
Hundreds have now signed a petition aimed at any “student, parent or staff member” at Edge Hill calling for Mr Farrell to be removed from office and for a new election.
Campaign Against Antisemitism has been in contact with Edge Hill University, which has adopted the International Definition of Antisemitism and has assured us that it is taking action.
A spokesperson for Campaign Against Antisemitism said: “There is no place on a British campus for such behaviour, and certainly not by someone hoping to represent all students. This new revelation shows that the President-Elect is unrepentant and his position has become totally untenable. Sam Farrell must step down to prevent his university becoming synonymous with mockery of the Holocaust, and we will be pressing the university administration again for action.”
If any students are concerned about antisemitism on campus or need assistance, they can call us on 0330 822 0321, or e-mail [email protected].