The Council has adopted the International Definition of Antisemitism in full, including all of its examples.
The Definition was adopted on an unknown date in March 2022.
The Council has told Campaign Against Antisemitism: “We have delegated responsibility to the Head of Transformation, OD and Digital Services to ensure the strategy is comprehensive and current…The strategy and appendices, including the Antisemitism Definition were sent to the Leader and Portfolio holder for their comments/sign off prior to adoption and publication on the council’s website…The definition…, has been adopted by way of inclusion in the Redditch Borough Council Equality Strategy as an appendix…”
This information was obtained after Campaign Against Antisemitism submitted a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on 23rd April 2022, to which the Council responded on 15th July 2022.
As part of its response, the Council provided its Equality Strategy 2022-2026, which shows that the Definition was adopted.