Exterior of Etz Chaim synagogue in Leeds vandalised with swastika and “K***s get out” threat
The exterior of the Etz Chaim Synagogue in Leeds has been defaced with threatening graffiti overnight. A sign for the synagogue’s hall was defaced with a swastika and the word “K***s” and the driveway of the synagogue was daubed with an apparent threat to congregants: “K***s get out”.
Police are investigating. We are following the case with interest.
Antisemitic crime surged by 45% between 2014 and 2016, making 2016 the worst year on record. It is expected that 2017 might be worse still when police forces release their statistics. Despite this, police were found to have charged 35% fewer cases of antisemitic hate crime in 2016 than they did in 2014, and the Crown Prosecution Service has yet to prosecute more than two dozen hate crimes per year. It is vital that antisemites are brought to justice and made to fear the law.