National Action’s payment processor freezes their account after CAA speaks out
Payment processing firm Liberapay has frozen the account of neo-Nazi group National Action and promised to close it down after Campaign Against Antisemitism called for the company to “do the right thing”.
In an interview about National Action, Campaign Against Antisemitism’s Director of Investigations and Enforcement, Stephen Silverman, told Byline Magazine’s Colin Cortbus: “The online donations platform, Liberapay has already refused to handle transactions for neo-Nazi news hub, The Daily Stormer. By continuing to process donations for National Action, it is enabling that group’s incitement of violence against the UK’s Jewish community. If National Action is proscribed under the Terrorism Act as we expect, Liberapay could soon find themselves on the wrong side of terrorism legislation. It’s not too late to do the right thing voluntarily.”
When Cortbus contacted Liberapay and its payment enabler, Mangopay, for comment, Mangopay decided to cease all transactions, leaving Liberapy to freeze and close down National Action’s accounts. Liberapay told Cortbus that it had not actually transferred donated funds to National Action yet, and would be returning donations to the donors rather than sending them to the neo-Nazi group.
We commend Liberapay and Mangopay for their action. Payment providers should not be enabling this growing neo-Nazi group to raise funds.
National Action radicalises and indoctrinates the young, teaches them violence, attacks the police and the public and demands a new Holocaust. Many of its activities are already criminal, but its members are not being prosecuted.
Campaign Against Antisemitism has asked the Home Secretary to proscribe National Action under section 3(3)(a) of the Terrorism Act 2000, which would instantly render it a criminal offence to recruit for, be a member of, raise money for or in any way support National Action.
Last week, we released a video about National Action, and called on supporters to sign a petition adding their voices to our call for National Action to be proscribed.