“New hero of Chanukah” is assaulted while trying to protecting menorah-lighting
A Jewish man in Lexington, Kentucky was assaulted outside a Chabad House as members of the Jewish community prepared to light the Menorah for the festival of Chanukah.
According to a Facebook post by Blue Grass Chabad, members of the local community were preparing to light the Menorah on the third night of Chanukah when a car drove up and allegedly nearly hit the volunteer camera crew. The driver began yelling abuse and the man, who was helping in the lighting, then “heroically” stepped between the assailant and the Chabad House where children were gathered.
The attacker allegedly grabbed the man and held his arm, “dragging him for a block, and running over his leg,” before speeding off.
According to the post, before leaving for the hospital, the “newest hero of Chanukah insisted we light the Menorah, and not allow darkness to quench our light.” The post also expressed thanks to the Lexington Police Department and emergency medical services for their quick response to the incident.
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