Police investigate antisemitic swastika graffiti in Watford
Police in Watford are investigating after swastikas were seen daubed on a wall in the town centre.
The two, yellow swastikas were spotted near Atria Watford and the police have informed Watford Borough Council. Police also said that they were “investigating an incident of racially or religiously aggravated criminal damage on Watford High Street.”
The rabbi at Watford & District Synagogue, Rabbi Mordechai Chalk, stated: “The daubing of swastikas in the centre of town is shocking. It is a friendly and inclusive place to live with a diverse community including hundreds of Jewish residents. We are pleased the police have dealt with it so quickly and thank them for their support.”
The graffiti was reportedly being removed as of 26th April.
If you have any information regarding this incident, please report it online at herts.police.uk/report or use their online web chat at herts.police.uk/contact. You can also call their non-emergency number 101 and quote the reference 41/30499/21.
Image credit: Jewish News