Prominent law firm Mishcon de Reya fires antisemitic employee who referred to “f***ing” Jews and “Zionist cockroaches” and compared Israel to Nazis on social media
The prominent law firm Mishcon de Reya has reportedly fired an employee who made antisemitic and incendiary comments on social media, including referring to “f***ing” Jews and “Zionist cockroaches” and comparing Israel to Nazi Germany.
The unnamed employee had been working at the law firm as a conflicts analyst, having previously studied law at the University of Manchester and served as a paralegal at other law firms. He was discovered to have been tweeting inflammatory and antisemitic comments in his own name over the past eight years.
Following an England defeat in the Euro 2012 football tournament, he tweeted: “Why are you all so happy? You were all licking England’s arse all along you f***ing Jew supporters.” He has also referred to a “Jew goal” in another tweet related to football.
At other times, he has tweeted that “Israel is no better than Nazi Germany” and that the “Nazi Israel state” had “absolutely no right to exist”, amid other calls for the destruction of Israel and claims that that “there’s no such thing as #Israel”. He also referred to Jews as “Zionist cockroaches”. The International Definition of Antisemitism states that “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” is antisemitic.
He has accused “Zionists” of “controlling the lamestream media” and claimed that he might be criticised for his comments “with accusations of ‘antisemitism’”.
He reportedly deleted his Twitter account after another user sent a selection of his tweets to his law firm, which, after a week-long investigation, terminated his employment.