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34 search results for: kaufman


Sir Gerald Kaufman MP’s words have left a rotting stain on our institutions

While the passing of Sir Gerald Kaufman MP is undoubtedly sad for his family and friends, it also marks the loss of an opportunity. Sir Gerald was the first Labour politician of the Corbyn period to have gone unpunished after publicly uttering indisputably antisemitic lies. By saying that “Jewish money” was used to subvert the British government, […]


Three months after Gerald Kaufman’s antisemitic speech, Labour continues to ignore calls for disciplinary action

On 27th October 2015, Labour MP Sir Gerald Kaufman, Father of the House of Commons, delivered an antisemitic speech on parliamentary premises to the Shadow Minister for Justice and other MPs. He claimed that British Jews use “Jewish money” to subvert the British government so that Israeli Jews can “execute Arab-looking people”. One month later: The Parliamentary Commissioner for […]


Two months after Gerald Kaufman’s antisemitic speech, we still demand justice

On 27th October 2015, Labour MP Sir Gerald Kaufman, Father of the House of Commons, delivered an antisemitic speech on parliamentary premises to the Shadow Minister for Justice and other MPs. He claimed that British Jews use “Jewish money” to subvert the British government so that Israeli Jews can “execute Arab-looking people”. One month later: The Parliamentary Commissioner for […]


One month after Gerald Kaufman’s antisemitic speech, we still demand justice

On 27th October 2015, Labour MP Sir Gerald Kaufman, Father of the House of Commons, delivered an antisemitic speech on parliamentary premises to the Shadow Minister for Justice and other MPs. He claimed that British Jews use “Jewish money” to subvert the British government so that Israeli Jews can “execute Arab-looking people”. One month later: The Parliamentary […]


Jeremy Corbyn’s condemnation of Sir Gerald Kaufman’s antisemitic comments falls far short of what is warranted

Following a meeting between the Opposition Chief Whip, Rosie Winterton, and Sir Gerald Kaufman, Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn has condemned Sir Gerald Kaufman’s comments. One week after Sir Gerald Kaufman accused British Jews of subverting the government with ‘Jewish money’ so that Israeli Jews could shoot ‘innocent’ people, Jeremy Corbyn has spoken out and the Opposition […]


Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards: I will not investigate Sir Gerald Kaufman

The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, Kathryn Hudson, has written to Campaign Against Antisemitism to say that she will not investigate the antisemitic comments made by Sir Gerald Kaufman in a speech because she does not believe that they bring the House of Commons or its members into disrepute. Campaign Against Antisemitism had sent a complaint […]


Gerald Kaufman’s “Jewish money” slur: responses from the Opposition Chief Whip and Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards to our letters

Following Campaign Against Antisemitism’s letter to the Opposition Chief Whip, which has now been supplemented by letters from other Jewish charities, the Opposition Chief Whip has agreed to meet with Sir Gerald Kaufman, but is refusing to confirm when, or whether this is part of a formal disciplinary process. Sir Gerald made an antisemitic speech a week ago […]


Labour Party fails to confirm whether it will initiate disciplinary proceedings over Sir Gerald Kaufman’s antisemitic speech

Following the antisemitic speech reportedly made by Sir Gerald Kaufman, Campaign Against Antisemitism has contacted the Opposition Chief Whip and the Labour Party Press Office. Additionally our Chairman has made a formal complaint (which must be made in a personal capacity under Parliamentary rules) to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards. In its response to CAA, […]


Birkbeck professor appears to agree International Definition of Antisemitism “restricts” debate on Israel on panel at Conservative Party conference fringe event

A Birkbeck professor appeared to agree with the spurious claim that the International Definition of Antisemitism “restricts” debate on Israel. Responding to a claim by an audience member that the Definition “does restrict what people can say about the Israel/Palestine conflict” and other assertions, Eric Kaufmann said: “I totally agree with you”. Prof. Kaufmann made the comment while sitting on a […]


CAA investigators unearth shocking social media posts by former Labour candidate Jann Oliver who claimed to have stepped down “for personal reasons”

Jann Oliver, until recently a Labour candidate in the general election, was deselected by the Party’s ruling body in November for what her constituency branch called “personal reasons”. However, Campaign Against Antisemitism can reveal that Ms Oliver also had a history of antisemitic social media activity. In June, Ms Oliver was selected to represent the […]


Administrator of antisemitic “Palestine Live” Facebook group was not an “acquaintance” of Jeremy Corbyn but a close friend who repeatedly propagated extreme antisemitism

Last week, Jeremy Corbyn was exposed as being a member of a deeply antisemitic Facebook group in which he participated for two years. Now, damning new evidence made available to Campaign Against Antisemitism proves that Mr Corbyn or his team were demonstrably lying when, as was reported in The Guardian they had said that his […]


How can antisemitism go on? Holocaust Memorial Day in British politics

On Holocaust Memorial Day this year, a survivor called Dorit Oliver-Wolff spoke of her experiences surviving antisemitic persecution as a Jewish child in Nazi-occupied Europe. She recalled that when walking with her mother in a park in Budapest, a middle-aged woman approached her, bent over and spat in her eyes, telling her she was “a filthy […]


The leopard does not change its spots: Jeremy Corbyn and Hatem Bazian

It is now barely a week since Labour’s Deputy Leader, Tom Watson, stood before a Labour Friends of Israel lunch and declared: “Let me say something before we get any further today about taking on antisemitism in the Labour Party: that’s a moral responsibility. I am ashamed that I am saying antisemitism and Labour in the […]


Jeremy Corbyn’s statement after meeting Bashar Assad promotes an antisemitic myth

Last week, Baroness Tonge finally stepped down after the Liberal Democrats suspended her over yet another antisemitism crisis of her own making. This time, she had hosted an event at the House of Lords organised by the Palestine Return Centre (PRC) at which Jews were blamed for the Holocaust. The PRC were the very same hosts […]


CAA submits disciplinary complaint against Jeremy Corbyn to Labour

Campaign Against Antisemitism has today filed a disciplinary complaint against Jeremy Corbyn. The complaint was made in a letter to Tom Watson, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, for presentation to the Party’s National Executive Committee. The allegation that Jews lie and deceive in order to further hidden agendas is an age-old antisemitic trope. It […]


Labour Party refuses to discipline MEP over “Nazi” tweet

Investigators from Campaign Against Antisemitism have discovered an antisemitic tweet by British Labour politician Afzal Khan. On 2nd August 2014, Khan tweeted a link to an article from which he quoted, “The Israeli Government are [sic] acting like Nazi’s [sic] in Gaza.” Archived version Khan is a Labour Member of the European Parliament for the North […]


Four fatal flaws with Labour’s antisemitism inquiry

Since Jeremy Corbyn announced that his party had commissioned an independent inquiry into antisemitism on Friday, we have been speaking to the media about our misgivings. The inquiry has been nobbled at the outset, and there are four reasons why. Firstly, the inquiry’s scope only covers the rules in future cases of antisemitism. It will […]


Naz Shah employed antisemitic Labour Councillors

Campaign Against Antisemitism investigators have discovered antisemitic tweets by close associates of suspended Labour MP Naz Shah, who resigned as Parliamentary Secretary to John McDonnell before the Labour Party bowed to pressure to expel her. We continue to call for Shah to be expelled and removed from the Home Affairs Select Committee which is about […]


Labour Councillor’s Twitter account praises “my man Hitler” for Holocaust

Aysegul Gurbuz is the youngest ever Councillor in Luton, representing High Town Ward for the Labour Party since 7th May 2015. She also sits on a panel supervising Bedfordshire Police. Her support for Jeremy Corbyn’s bid to lead the Labour Party was published on his campaign website. But tweets on her Twitter account also show strong support for Adolf Hitler who is referred to as “my man Hitler” and the “greatest man […]


The Labour Party’s antisemitism problem is festering: treat the disease, not just the symptoms, or the patient is doomed

Allegations in today’s Sunday Times and Thursday’s Telegraph have confirmed what we already suspected about the Labour Party’s response to allegations of antisemitism: the party is refusing to deal with the disease. Instead, allegations of antisemitism are ignored, or covered up. Take the case of Sir Gerald Kaufman MP, for example. On 27th October 2015, […]


Rampant antisemitism exposed at Oxford University Labour Club

Campaign Against Antisemitism commends the Co-Chair of the Oxford University Labour Club, Alex Chalmers, for his principled decision to stand up against antisemitism amongst his fellow students. If only there were more people prepared to recognise antisemitism when they see it, and refuse to ignore it. Chalmers decided to resign after the club voted to […]

Justice, justice, you shall pursue - צדק צדק תרדף
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