Teenage trio break into house and graffiti swastika and the word “Jews”
It has been reported that a house in Elstree that is currently undergoing renovation has been broken into and graffitied with a swastika and the word “Jews”.
Apparently, neighbours informed the owner of the property about the presence of a group of teenagers who had broken into the house on Park Crescent. The owner told them to leave and noticed the graffiti once they had left.
Hertfordshire Constabulary say that they have detained and arrested three males, two aged 17 and one 16, on suspicion of racial or religiously aggravated burglary. The suspects have reportedly been released pending further enquiries by the police.
Campaign Against Antisemitism’s analysis of Home Office statistics shows that an average of over three hate crimes are directed at Jews every single day in England and Wales, with Jews more than four times likelier to be targets of hate crimes than any other faith group.
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