“Dirty k***”. “Jew food”. “F***ing Jew”. Is Roger Waters antisemitic? Watch The Dark Side of Roger Waters now and decide for yourself.

Sign the public letter

Roger Waters is due to play at the London Palladium on 8th and 9th October. We have written to the owner, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, and the organiser, Live Nation.

Please add your voice by signing our letter asking them to pull the show.

Join the direct action

We will be organising direct action, including protests, outside the London Palladium. Sign up for more information!

Help us do more

We are a volunteer-led charity dedicated to exposing and countering antisemitism through education and zero-tolerance enforcement of the law. Help us to do more by donating. We are dependent upon you for success.


Comment: Gideon Falter, Chief Executive of Campaign Against Antisemitism, said: “Roger Waters has repeatedly used his enormous platform to bait Jews, but he always claims that he is not antisemitic. We believed that there was further evidence out there to the contrary, and the release of The Dark Side of Roger Waters now puts the evidence we obtained in the hands of the public.

“It is hard to imagine a rockstar emblazoning the N-word above their concerts, but Mr Waters demanded that his crew do exactly that with the K-word. Not only that, but he seems to have spent time humiliating and harassing his Jewish staff.

“One cannot help but watch this film and wonder what kind of person uses their power to this effect. Is Roger Waters an antisemite? Now people can make up their own minds.”

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