Muslim Public Affairs Committee congratulates Ecuador on antisemitic slur
The Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC) has tweeted its congratulations to Ecuador after Horacio Sevilla Borja, and Ecuadorian diplomat said he did not think there was “anything more similar” to Nazi persecution than Israeli policy. Under the International Definition of Antisemitism, “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” is antisemitic.
The tweet was part of a series of tweets in which MPAC used an Israeli Defence Forces training video taken on a rooftop to allege that Israel trains its servicemen to throw children off rooftops. Since that allegation has no factual basis whatsoever, some might suggest that it is a modern day antisemitic blood libel.
MPAC has a long and notorious history of antisemitism. It once used its Facebook page to comment on Holocaust Memorial Day: “I’m trying not to swear so you’ll have to fill in the gaps. Take your Holocaust, roll it up nice and tight then shove it up your (be creative)!”
MPAC was banned from university campuses in 2004 for its antisemitism under the National Union of Students’ “No Platform” policy. In 2006, MPAC was accused by an all-party parliamentary inquiry into antisemitism of replacing “Jewish” with “Zionist” and articulating “Jewish conspiracy theories through the language of Zionism describing it as an ‘octopus that now penetrates every western nation and pushes it to start world war three upon Muslims’ and warning that ‘Any man who knows anything of Zionists, knows that they will not stop until the Muslims followed by mankind are dead or enslaved’”.
MPAC’s founder, Asghar Bukhari, recently spoke out to defend an antisemitic speech by the former Malaysian Prime Minster. In 2006, he was forced to repudiate David Irving, the British Holocaust denier, to whom he had sent £6000, which he claims he did under the belief that he was merely an “anti-Zionist” who had been smeared as something much worse. He also famously accused Mossad of breaking into his house and stealing one of his shoes and claimed that “any Muslim who fights and dies against Israel and dies is a martyr and will be granted paradise”. Despite this, he has been allowed to speak for British Muslims on numerous occasions, both in his capacity as a founder of MPAC and independently, including appearances on BBC News, The James O’Brien Show, LBC, Sky News and The Big Questions.
MPAC is currently running a campaign against the government’s Prevent counter-extremism strategy.