Apply to volunteer

Join our community of volunteers who give their time, commitment and talent to make Campaign Against Antisemitism the success that it is. Everything we have accomplished has been done by volunteers. We are truly a grassroots campaign and we look forward to welcoming you to the team! If none of the roles below appeal to you, please sign up to receive details of our newest roles as soon as we publish them.

Latest volunteer roles


  • Assist with regular bookkeeping such as bank statement reconciliation and preparing and submitting Gift Aid claims
  • Respond to accounts payable enquiries via e-mail
  • Report to our Head of Finance and work alongside our Payroll Bookkeeper and Accounts Receivable Bookkeeper
  • Come into our London based office for around two hours every week or every fortnight

CAA Security Officer

  • Help to build and maintain our contacts among security volunteers so that adequate teams can be formed at short notice and be ready to react quickly to changing circumstances
  • Assist in reviewing and maintaining security at our head office in terms of both installations and security systems such a CCTV
  • Initiate and maintain relationships with relevant Jewish organisations and local police contacts in conjunction with our Police Outreach Officer

Casework Officer

  • Conduct investigations ensuring that the cases are dealt with in a robust and effective manner
  • Report criminal behaviour to the police and raise antisemitic incidents to the relevant regulators
  • Hold the police and regulators to account ensuring that investigations are progressed in the optimal way
  • Assist colleagues within CAA when information or updates are required regarding cases

Communications Reporter

  • Produce meticulously well-written articles on incidents of antisemitism globally for publication on our website
  • Collaborate with other reporters in our team over what items to cover

Communications Researcher

  • Conduct independent research on items requested by our Chief Communications Officer
  • Construct reports and dossiers to support the work being conducted by our communications team
  • Liaise effectively with team members to ensure Communications Officers are well briefed on content that they are working on
  • Suggest content proposals that may arise through your research

Community Liaison Administrator

  • Help to maintain our communal database, keeping track of Jewish community organisations across the country such as synagogues and community centres
  • Liaise with our Head of Community Liaison in organising and keeping track of our outreach schedule
  • Work closely with our Communications Unit to produce accessible and appealing publicity materials

Compliance Officer

  • Maintain an awareness of Government-issued guidelines pertaining to data governance and the operations of charities and employers
  • Produce documents and materials to highlight compliance issues as they relate to CAA and our expanding operations
  • Work closely with the Compliance Unit, Systems Unit, General Counsel, and Programme Manager to improve processes, policies and systems across the charity
  • Work with staff and volunteers to provide advice and guidance on compliance-related issues that may arise

Crowdfund Against Antisemitism Team Leader

  • Participate in a two-day ‘Charity Extra’ campaign at the end of November to help raise money for CAA
  • Promote the campaign through your WhatsApp contact network, or by e-mail and social media
  • Receive from us pre-prepared messages, graphics and video in advance that you can use or edit before disseminating to your network
  • Work closely with our Development and Engagement Manager during the two-day campaign, with the option of remaining involved if that is of interest to you

Digital Content Creator

  • Liaise with our Communications team in order to storyboard, write and produce content
  • Assist with the editing requirements of our Communications team
  • Assist with quality control and mastering of media posted to our social media channels

Education Liaison Officer

  • Initiate and maintain relationships with education institutions across the country and look for new opportunities for CAA to offer its services
  • Administer our Education and Outreach programme, liaising with members from our Education and Outreach unit, ensuring operational efficiency and full coverage

Education and Training Presenter

  • Deliver engaging, educational presentations on antisemitism to students and members of the public
  • Collaborate with colleagues in education and outreach to support and strengthen our educational initiatives
  • Help to expand our network in education and build relationships

Event Monitor

  • Attend events around the country identified by our Event Monitoring team
  • Gather photographic evidence of criminal activity, offences under terrorism legislation or breaches of the International Definition of Antisemitism
  • Rapidly submit this material back to our Event Monitoring team for it to be properly utilised by our Investigations and Enforcement Unit and Communications team

Event Monitoring Coordinator

  • Conduct research as to protests, rallies and events taking place across the UK that require the presence of our Demonstration and Event Monitoring team
  • Use our cloud-based systems to file and delegate items identified
  • Review work conducted by the Event Monitoring team and liaise with other relevant volunteer units within CAA to ensure material gathered is properly utilised

Head of Community Liaison

  • Initiate and build relationships with various community leaders to ensure an active network of contacts
  • Maintain relationships with Jewish community organisations, raising awareness of the work conducted by CAA and the services that we provide
  • Act as operational lead for the Community Liaison Unit, working with other volunteers to create and implement a project plan for community outreach
  • Help to update our communal database, keeping track of Jewish community organisations across the country such as synagogues and community centres
  • Work closely with our Communications Unit to produce accessible and appealing publicity materials

Incident Response Officer

  • Respond to telephone calls and e-mails, liaising with members of the public who report or have experienced antisemitic crimes or abuse
  • Gather and record evidence objectively using our cloud-based systems to properly log and catalogue cases raised through the Incident Response Unit
  • Take part in fortnightly meetings to ensure that cases are properly dealt with in a professional and timely manner
  • Act as a consistent point of contact for members of the public who have witnessed or experienced antisemitism

Legal Officer

  • Assist with drafting, editing and reviewing legal and regulatory documents (including pleadings, correspondence, submissions and agreements)
  • Assist with reviewing and analysing potential new cases
  • Provide legal advice and guidance (both substantive and procedural) and general assistance in any areas in which you have particular expertise
  • Provide legal support where required across general operations

Integrity Researcher

  • Screen volunteer applications, completing background checks and ensuring that successful applicants can be verified as well-intentioned individuals
  • Liaise with our Mobilisation Unit, which manages the recruitment of volunteers
  • Liaise with other volunteer units such as our Systems Unit and Online Monitoring and Investigations Unit to develop tools and improve processes in this area
  • Conduct occasional background checks where required for purposes unrelated to mobilisation on request

Media Liaison Officer

  • Proactively approach media outlets, initiating and maintaining relationships
  • Make bids to media and push for inclusion and consultation of CAA
  • Draft press releases under the supervision of our Communications team and spokespeople

Online Monitor

  • Conduct regular monitoring of social media sites and identify relevant cases for escalation
  • Conduct deep-dive investigations into subjects of interest including individual social media accounts, online communities or online trends
  • Assist other teams within CAA when online investigative expertise is required

Online Monitoring Administrator

  • Interact with our cloud-based systems, filter and delegate work requests to Online Monitoring Investigators
  • Review and file work completed by our Online Monitoring investigators
  • Liaise with other volunteer units within CAA to return reports created by our Online Monitoring team

Online Monitoring Investigator

  • Conduct deep-dive investigations into subjects of interest including individual social media accounts, online communities or online trends
  • Produce detailed reports on investigations for our Investigations and Enforcement Unit to pursue

Parliamentary Affairs Officer

  • Liaise with our Public Affairs Officer in order to initiate and maintain relationships with Members of Parliament so that CAA’s voice can be heard
  • Help to disseminate policy material to parliamentarians that provides expert insight on relevant policy areas
  • Reach out to and communicate with Members of Parliament and convey the need to ensure justice for the British Jewish community

PHP Developer

  • Assist with the maintenance and improvement of our website and supportive systems
  • Take part in larger projects in collaboration with our Systems Unit that may relate to areas other than our public facing webpage

Police Outreach Officer

  • Liaise with police forces around the country offering training and logging where training has been completed
  • Deliver onsite training sessions with police forces and provide ongoing support to recipients of training
  • Create relationships and networks within police forces to develop our network and strengthen responses to antisemitic crime
  • Liaise with other members of the CAA team and provide feedback on training sessions and outreach programme

Political Investigations Complaints Manager

  • To establish the complaints process for each political party
  • In the case of the Green Party, to collaborate with a contact who will act as a proxy for the complaint
  • To submit the complaint
  • To monitor and process the political party’s response
  • To return the party’s response to Rachel/Research assistant

Political Investigations Research Assistant

  • Researching and providing supporting information for individual’s cases: photos, positions held, contact email addresses etc.
  • Researching and providing media when required (images, audio, video), uploading and checking links to these from the core AIPP text
  • Entering and uploading finished cases on the AIPP (future) database and/or on the CAA website
  • Incorporating text from RFC (Requests for Comment) from the individuals and political parties
  • Undertaking general research tasks when required

Prosecutions Monitor

  • Monitor traditional and social media to identify relevant cases
  • Maintain our record of active criminal cases in the UK, including by calling police forces and courts to inquire as to the status of investigations and prosecutions, and working with our Incident Response Unit to track cases in which we are more actively involved
  • Manage our court diary and network of court reporters, and ensure that court hearings are attended
  • Update our investigations, enforcement, litigation and communications teams as cases progress

Public Affairs Officer

  • Monitor forthcoming parliamentary debates and policymaking events to ensure that our public affairs efforts are appropriately timed and targeted
  • Help to devise briefing documents on issues of particular concern to us
  • Work with colleagues to help prioritise specific policy work and relationships
  • Maintain up-to-date information on policymakers such as MPs, peers and senior civil servants, and their advisers
  • Maintain databases and records of research, producing reports and interacting with our cloud-based systems to ensure neat filing and ease of searchability

Public Liaison Officer

  • Respond to queries received via e-mail and into the inboxes of the various social media accounts we operate
  • Operate telephone lines and receive calls from members of the public who make contact with CAA
  • Moderate the comments sections of our social media accounts and remove inappropriate material and instances of abuse

Recruitment Officer

  • Use our cloud-based systems to log and respond to new volunteer applications
  • Liaise with other members of the Mobilisation Unit, attending meetings every two weeks to discuss and review applications
  • Conduct interviews with volunteer applicants and assist with initial on-boarding of successful applicants

Regulatory Officer

  • Create relationships with leaders at professional regulatory bodies across various professions across the country
  • Report instances of breaches of regulatory codes of conducts uncovered by our volunteer units to relevant regulatory bodies
  • Use our cloud-based systems to ensure that regulatory cases are properly tracked and kept up to date

Social Media Monitor

  • Monitor and moderate comments on our Social Media Platforms including X, YouTube Videos, Facebook, Tik Tok and Instagram
  • Help us try to ensure that the replies and comments on our pages and accounts accord with our values and protect our reputation
  • Contribute to keeping the interactive elements of our social media pages lively and respectful


  • Liaise with our Communications team and receive briefings on how to act a spokesperson for CAA
  • Prepare statements that accurately reflect CAA’s values for various media outlets
  • Respond to media enquiries on CAA’s behalf

Systems Support Administrator

  • Assist with general processes within CAA utilising cloud-based services and web-platforms
  • Assist with tasks as they arise within the Systems unit
  • Help to manage our Systems inbox and assist with the general upkeep of CAA systems
  • Assist our large network of volunteers with technical support

Training Officer

  • Liaise with our Mobilisation team and provide on-boarding assistance to new volunteers
  • Induct new volunteers, introducing them to the CAA community and ensuring that they receive support and are equipped with all skills required when joining CAA’s volunteer network
  • Liaise with heads of teams across various volunteer units to deliver tailored training to various volunteers and offer assistance to volunteers who may require additional support

Volunteer Liaison Administrator

  • Administer, maintain and improve our volunteer management system utilising our cloud-based systems
  • Liaise with colleagues across various volunteer units to assist with mobilisation
  • Form relationships with volunteers across all units to ensure high levels of communicability and information flow between volunteers and the mobilisation unit

Volunteer Support Officer

  • Offer confidential support sessions to all members of CAA across all volunteer units on a rolling basis
  • Form positive relationships with members of our organisation across all volunteer units
  • Listen to volunteers and offer conscientious, empathetic support with an aim to making a real impact where required
  • Operate with complete confidentiality and gain the confidence and trust of members of our organisation