Front-runner in Canada’s Green Party, dogged by allegations of antisemitism, has been defeated by a Black Jew
The frontrunner in the contest to become leader of Canada’s Green Party, who has been dogged by allegations of antisemitism, has been defeated by a Black Jewish candidate.
Dimitri Lascaris, a Montreal class-action lawyer, was one of eight candidates for the leadership of the Party, having previously being accused of “antisemitic smears” by the Canadian Prime Minister and sacked as Justice spokesperson by the Green Party Leader over his support for the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movements.
In 2018, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused Mr Lascaris of “vile, antisemitic smears” after Lascaris accused two Jewish MPs from Mr Trudeau’s Liberal Party of being “loyal to apartheid Israel.” Mr Lascaris also reportedly tweeted in 2019: “When will the Palestinian people stop paying for the unspeakable atrocities of Germany against the Jewish people?”
Mr Lascaris has been defeated in the primary by Annamie Paul, who said that she has been the target of “a lot of hate” throughout the campaign, particularly antisemitic comments on social media.
The ongoing leader, Elizabeth May, who has led the Party for fourteen years, will remain its Parliamentary Leader, as Ms Paul does not have a seat in Parliament.
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