Antisemitic e-mails amongst thousands sent to high school pupils in Skokie, IL after teacher’s account hacked
A teacher of mathematics at Niles West High School in Skokie, Illinois, saw her e-mail account hacked to send messages described by school leaders as being of a “lewd, racist, antisemitic and homophobic” nature to thousands of students across the district on 11th November.
School administrators declined to comment on the abrasive content contained, however students have described the e-mails as ranging from swastikas and fascist propaganda to pornographic and indecent images.
A Jewish Niles West senior expressed shock at the overtly antisemitic content and stated that: “It’s hard not to feel targeted when you are part of the minority that those e-mails were about.” She added that it was inconceivable that the e-mails could have originated with the teacher, and there is no suggestion that the e-mails were the product of anything other than a hack.
Local leaders have denounced the torrent of “patently offensive” e-mails, and reportedly reassured the public that Student Services teams would work directly to support students affected by the incident in the days following.
Skokie police and Dist. 219 staff are working together to investigate the incident and identify the perpetrator. A representative has said that student access to district e-mail accounts has been temporarily suspended and instructions have been given for greater online security, including the changing of all passwords.
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