Antisemitism in Local Authorities

Carmarthenshire County Council

International Definition of Antisemitism

The Council has adopted the International Definition of Antisemitism in full, including all of its examples.

The Definition was adopted on 10th October 2018.

The Council has told Campaign Against Antisemitism that: “… in the Plenary meeting of the IHRA in Bucharest in 2016, the Alliance adopted a working definition of anti-Semitism, which essentially comprised a list of examples of what types of conduct would be regarded as antisemitic.

These examples were not specifically referred to in Cllr. Thomas’ Motion on Notice, but as they were produced by the Plenary Session in Bucharest to complement the definition in the Stockholm Declaration, the Council would not dispute any of the working examples identified by the IHRA as being examples of antisemitism.”

This information was obtained after Campaign Against Antisemitism submitted a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on 23rd August 2021, to which the Council responded on 28th September 2021.

As part of its response, the Council provided minutes of a Council meeting on 10th October 2018, which show that the Definition was adopted.


No incidents relating to the Council’s officials or councillors have been reported to us, however we recognise that antisemitism is chronically underreported and it is possible that there are incidents that have not been reported. To report an incident, please contact us.