“Hitler hoodies” taken down by major online retailer VOVA following backlash
The major online retailer VOVA has recently removed controversial “Hitler hoodies” from its website after their sale sparked significant outrage. The popular webpage had listed the item described as “Men’s Casual Adolf Hitler Funny Graphic Hoodies”.
Dr. Shimon Samuels of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre wrote to the company’s headquarters in London and Hong Kong as well as its press office in Paris. He stated that, “the banalisation of this archetype of hate and discrimination is scathing” and the global clothing retailer had subsequently “betrayed” and undermined its identity as a “trusted company”.
It was recommended that VOVA immediately destroy all supplies of the “Hitler hoodie” and terminate all contacts with the distributor following internal investigations.
On its website the item of clothing is currently listed as “out of stock” and the company has said that the product has been permanently removed. VOVA has declined to comment further and has not issued an apology despite concerns that the hoodies may be used as merchandise for neo-Nazi and white supremacist hate.
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