Introduction to antisemitism

Campaign Against Antisemitism is often asked what antisemitism is, how to recognise it and when it is illegal. We have produced guides to answer these questions, as well as research which exposes the rising tide of antisemitism in Britain.

Definition of Antisemitism
Recognising Antisemitism
The Law of Antisemitism
Information and Research


In 2005, the EU Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), now the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), adopted a “working definition on antisemitism” which has become the standard definition used around the world, including by the European Parliament, the UK College of Policing, the US Department of State, and the 31 countries comprising the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. In 2016, the powerful House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee joined Campaign Against Antisemitism’s longstanding call for the British Government and its agencies, as well as all political parties, to formally adopt the International Definition of Antisemitism.

Recognising antisemitism

Known as ‘the oldest hatred’, antisemitism can be expressed as anything from ancient blood libels and conspiracy myths to antisemitism disguised as political discourse. Antisemitism has mutated throughout the ages and sometimes can be difficult to identify for people who are not familiar with it. We have produced an online guide to recognising antisemitism.

The Law of Antisemitism

Antisemitism is a hateful ideology. If you have witnessed an antisemitic incident, or you have been a victim of antisemitism yourself, the chances are that you will want the perpetrator brought to justice. We have produced a guide which tells you how the law can help.

Information and Research

Campaign Against Antisemitism produces information, research and reports about antisemitism in Britain. Comparatively, Britain is one of the best countries in the world in which to be Jewish, but we must fight to keep it that way. Statistics show that there is a rising tide of antisemitism in Britain and the country is at a tipping point: unless antisemitism is met with zero tolerance, it will continue to grow and British Jews will increasingly question their place in their own country.

Justice, justice, you shall pursue - צדק צדק תרדף
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