Antisemitism in Universities

The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

International Definition of Antisemitism


The School has adopted the International Definition of Antisemitism in full, including all of its examples.

The Definition was adopted on 23rd November 2020.

This information was obtained after Campaign Against Antisemitism submitted a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on 8th July 2020. On 30th July 2020, the School responded. On 21st January 2021, the School updated its response.

As part of its response, the School provided minutes of a meeting of its Governing Body on 23rd November 2020, which show that the Definition was adopted. Additionally, the School published its Student Code of Conduct on its website which confirms adoption.

Students’ Union

When asked on 24th July 2020, Central SU failed to confirm whether it has adopted the International Definition of Antisemitism.


No incidents have been reported to us, however we recognise that antisemitism is chronically underreported and it is possible that there are incidents that have not been reported. To report an incident, please contact us.

Jewish life on campus

The incidence of antisemitism on a university campus and how the university and its students’ union address antisemitism are matters of serious concern. At the same time, they do not represent the totality of Jewish life on any campus. For further information about Jewish life on campus, please contact the local Jewish Society or Jewish chaplain.

No student should have to endure antisemitism. Campaign Against Antisemitism provides specialist help to students who have experienced antisemitism, including free legal representation. For assistance with antisemitism on campus, please contact us.