Antisemitism in Universities

University of Warwick

International Definition of Antisemitism


The University has told Campaign Against Antisemitism that it has adopted the International Definition of Antisemitism in full, including all the examples but it has not provided evidence to support its claim.

The University said that the Definition was adopted on 12th October 2020.

The University has told Campaign Against Antisemitism that: “Antisemitism is unacceptable and abhorrent and it will be met with very firm sanctions within our student and staff community. In recognition of this, and upholding the right of freedom of speech and academic freedom in our statutes, we have recognised the IHRA definition and agreed, by way of policy, that it will be taken into account by and disciplinary tribunal in considering a complaint or allegation of antisemitism. ”

This information was obtained after Campaign Against Antisemitism submitted a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on 16th July 2020. On 28th October 2020, the University responded.

Students’ Union

When asked on 11th August 2020, Warwick Students’ Union failed to confirm whether it has adopted the International Definition of Antisemitism.


Students at the University of Warwick voted to disaffiliate the Students’ Union from the National Union of Students (NUS) “over failures of alleged bigotry”.

Professor Virinder Kalra, who praised comment linking Zionism with Nazis was cleared of antisemitism by University.

Professor Virinder Kalra, who cleared controversial Warwick lecturer Dr Goldie Osuri of antisemitism, reportedly linked Zionism with Nazis.

A student society at the University of Warwick apologised for inviting climate activist who called the Holocaust “just another f***ery in human history”.

Conservative MP, Jonathan Gullis, said Warwick University academics “sought to provoke Jewish students and prolong their suffering” by challenging International Definition of Antisemitism.

Jewish students left feeling “disgusted” after academic staff at the University of Warwick passed a motion to challenge the International Definition of Antisemitism.

The official Twitter account of the University ‘liked’ a tweet endorsing recent inflammatory comments by the academic and conspiracy theorist Professor David Miller, with the University subsequently deleting the ‘like’ and blaming “unauthorised access” to the account.

Warwick University student apologised for brandishing poster depicting the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, drinking blood from a jar labelled ‘Gaza’.

University of Warwick lecturer, Dr Goldie Osuri, reportedly claimed International Definition of Antisemitism is “part of a broader gamut of Tory moves to legitimate racist speech”.

Dubious disciplinary charges against a Jewish student who complained about antisemitism have been dropped by Warwick University.

The University of Warwick has rejected a complaint by the Warwick Jewish and Israel Society, against a sociology lecturer who described allegations of antisemitism in the Labour Party as “very much an Israeli lobby kind of idea”.

The University of Warwick has been condemned in the House of Commons for refusing to adopt the International Definition of Antisemitism.

The University of Warwick backed lecturer Dr Goldie Osuri, who dismissed concerns over Labour’s ongoing antisemitism crisis by saying such concerns are “an Israeli lobby kind of idea.”

Jewish life on campus

The incidence of antisemitism on a university campus and how the university and its students’ union address antisemitism are matters of serious concern. At the same time, they do not represent the totality of Jewish life on any campus. For further information about Jewish life on campus, please contact the local Jewish Society or Jewish chaplain.

No student should have to endure antisemitism. Campaign Against Antisemitism provides specialist help to students who have experienced antisemitism, including free legal representation. For assistance with antisemitism on campus, please contact us.

Justice, justice, you shall pursue - צדק צדק תרדף
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