“At times I ask myself were the Nazis right in herding the Jews into concentration camps” muses UKIP candidate Captain Paddy Singh
Captain Paddy Singh, UKIP’s candidate for the Wiltshire North constituency in the upcoming General Election, has tweeted a series of shocking antisemitic comments with repeated references to “Nazi Jews” and comparing Israeli policy to the Nazis. Captain Singh also stood for UKIP in the recent Wiltshire Council Election. In one, he mused: “At times I ask myself were the Nazis right in herding the Jews into concentration camps.”
The appalling antisemitic tweets were discovered on the Twitter account he operates for his travel agency, Hindoostan Tours, between 2014 and 2015. The tweets include:
On 20th July 2014: “The Israelis are basically Nazis in mentality. The survivors of the tragic Holacast [sic] learnt from their captors.”
On 30th July 2014: “No hope of a ceasefire with the Nazi Jews like wild dogs on the rampage.”
On 1st August 2014: “Israel pulled out in 2005 but the Gaza still in a vicelike grip. but Nazi Jews provoke Hamas to violence so as to ethnically cleanse them.”
On 2nd August 2014: “At times I ask myself were the Nazis right in herding the Jews into concentration camps.”
On 5th August 2014: “Sinister similarities to what Nazis did when they lost soldiers in occupied territory. Lessons learnt by Jews.”
On 2nd September 2014: “Rogue Nethanyu [sic] and Jews will never allow Palestine to exist. Their goal? Ethnic cleansing. aided by US.”
On 30th July 2015: “The Jews well learnt well from Nazis hence the easy ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. UN impotent as always.”
On 2nd September 2015: “Nazi Jews hammering the last nail in the coffin spelling Palestinian cleansing.”
On 24th December 2015: “Nazi Jews learnt their lessons well.”
Under the International Definition of Antisemitism, “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” and “Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel” is antisemitic.
When Campaign Against Antisemitism called Captain Singh, he admitted that he had sent the tweets and offered “total apologies” and said that he should not have commented “spontaneously” after reading articles, but had no explanation for why he had made the comments repeatedly over the years. When asked whether he supported the International Definition of Antisemitism, he said that he did but then seemed surprised that he had breached it.
Captain Singh has now been suspended by UKIP over the allegations. Campaign Against Antisemitism calls on UKIP to expel Captain Singh from the Party immediately.
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