Hunger strike for Gaza at Tower Hamlets school called off following action from CAA and others
A planned “hunger strike” for Gaza, which encouraged children as young as eleven to go without food, has been called off at George Green’s School in Tower Hamlets.
This follows reporting from The JC and subsequent action from Campaign Against Antisemitism and others, including our call for Tower Hamlets Council to investigate the matter.
One Jewish mother at the school said: “I don’t think they are cancelling this for the right reasons.”
The strike was due to take place on Friday, but was called off on Thursday. However, the school is reportedly proceeding with a non-uniform day next week to raise funds in Gaza.
When asked about this, the Jewish parent said: “Even more obvious than not eating is wearing non-uniform. I will send my kid to school in non-uniform and with money for UNICEF even though I desperately do not want to do that.
“The headteacher said they needed to ensure the non-political and humanitarian nature of the school is understood, but you cannot donate to one side in this conflict and remain apolitical. The school should not take a position on such a divisive issue.”
Turning to the issue of her child potentially being ostracised at school, she said: “This week my kid told me they would be ‘beaten up’ if anyone found out they were Jewish. I have sleepless nights worrying.”
It is understood that this is the second time that the school had called for a hunger strike in aid of Gaza.
Do you or your friends/family have stories of schoolteachers or pupils facing antisemitism at schools in the UK? We have received a significant number of reports and the Incident Response colleagues would be keen to hear of further examples if you could share them. Contact us at [email protected] or call +44 (0)330 822 0321.