Antisemitism in Political Parties

“Antisemitism is the organisation of politics against the Jews” — Ruth Wisse

Liberal Democrats

Prominent and egregious antisemites have been allowed to remain as office holders in the Liberal Democrats for many years after allegations were made, and even after those allegations had been accepted as true by Party leaders. The case of Ashuk Ahmed, who was reselected as a Parliamentary candidate in 2015 and then again in 2017, long after he had been interviewed under caution by Bedfordshire Police, indicates a systemic failure to identify antisemitism within the Party. Prompt action can be seen to be taken in recent cases, but the fact that some have been selected internally to stand for office suggests an improvement in due diligence is required.The Liberal Democrats have adopted the International Definition of Antisemitism

Justice, justice, you shall pursue - צדק צדק תרדף
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