“Right to armed resistance”: Manchester University Students’ Union passes scandalous motion
Yesterday, the University of Manchester’s student union passed a scandalous criminal motion.
One part of the motion reads: “International law enshrines a right to resist occupation. Additionally, lawyers and scholars have argued that the use of armed military force by a people exercising the right to self-determination when all other avenues of resistance have been exhausted is legitimate under international law, and that the right of an occupied people to armed resistance is an extension of the right to national self-defence. On the other hand, the right to national self-defence does not extend to occupying nations in the land they are occupying. International law forbids occupying or oppressor nations from taking military action to suppress self-determination. This position has recently been reaffirmed by UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese.”
It also states: “In recognising that, as an occupied nation, the people of Palestine have the right to armed resistance under international law.”
The motion can be read in full here.
Naomi, a Jewish student at the University of Manchester, told Campaign Against Antisemitism: “Despite our concerns about this deeply troubling motion, the students’ union proceeded with discussions on the Solidarity with Palestine policy. Prior to the assembly, they invited us to a meeting where we voiced our concerns. While they assured us that the policy’s demands cannot be enforced due to the union’s charitable status, they also acknowledged that its only real impact would be fostering intimidation, an unwelcoming atmosphere, and hostility toward Jewish students and those who proudly support Israel. They are trying to create an environment where you have to disavow Israel and your identity to be accepted. This is not what I came to university for, and it is no longer a place where I feel comfortable. What is the university administration going to do about it?”
A spokesperson for Campaign Against Antisemitism said: “Once again, Manchester University students’ union has disregarded the concerns of Jewish students to push through a reckless and divisive motion. Whether or not it is meant as such here, the phrase ‘armed resistance’ is commonly used in this context as a euphemism for terrorism and the destruction of the Jewish state. At a minimum, this motion aspires to deprive the Jewish people of their right to self-determination. These motions do nothing to change things in the Middle East but contribute to the ostracisation of Jewish students on campus. Our lawyers are examining whether the motion runs afoul of charitable or criminal law, and we are supporting affected Jewish students. We will be writing to the university, the students’ union and the Charity Commission.”
If any students are concerned about antisemitism on campus or need assistance, they can call us on 0330 822 0321, or e-mail [email protected].