SNP confirms it would put antisemite Jeremy Corbyn into 10 Downing Street in return for certain policies
Scottish National Party (SNP) leader Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed that her Party would support a minority Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn if certain policies are pursued. She said she “would drive a hard bargain”.
Recently, Campaign Against Antisemitism wrote to all the Opposition parties in Parliament (other than Labour) asking whether they would rule out making Mr Corbyn, who is an antisemite, Prime Minister.
The Rt Hon. Ian Blackford MP provided the SNP’s detailed response, in which he wrote: “I want to make it clear that the SNP abhors antisemitism in the strongest possible way. We believe that the recent political events show that now more than ever politicians should be responsible with their actions and use language with care. The SNP is absolutely opposed to racism and antisemitism in all its forms.”
Nevertheless, the SNP then and again now has affirmed its readiness to back Mr Corbyn. It is difficult to square the Party’s self-proclaimed commitment to oppose racism and antisemitism in all its forms while also backing an antisemitic leader for Prime Minister.
Principled opposition to racism is incompatible with a willingness to be bought for the price of a few policies.
On 28th May, the Equality and Human Rights Commission launched a full statutory investigation following a formal referral and detailed legal representations from Campaign Against Antisemitism, which is the complainant.
In recent months, thirteen MPs and three peers have resigned from the Labour Party over antisemitism, along with a large number of MEPs, councillors and members.
Over 57,000 people have now signed our petition denouncing Jeremy Corbyn as an antisemite and declaring him “unfit to hold any public office.”