Yousef al-Kuwari, head of Qatari Nectar Trust, reportedly founded website which called on readers to “hate” Jews and Christians “for the sake of Allah”
Yousef al-Kuwari, the Chairman of the registered charity, Qatar Charity UK, now renamed the Nectar Trust, reportedly founded a website, Islamweb, which allegedly called on readers to “hate [Jews and Christians] for the sake of Allah.”
According to The Telegraph, Islamweb issued edicts stating that it is “forbidden” to swear an oath to gain British citizenship. In June, it reportedly warned of Jews and Christians: “It is incumbent to hate them for the sake of Allah.”
Between 1998 and 2010, fatwas were reportedly posted on the website including calls on all citizens to “wage jihad by every means against the Zionist occupation and aggression” and stating that “living in non-Muslim countries is forbidden except for a dire need”.
The Mayfair-based Qatar Charity UK, which claims “To relieve poverty and provide assistance to the needy in all parts of the world affected by war, natural disasters or catastrophes,” is the British arm of Qatar Charity, a Doha charity which has reportedly been designated a proscribed organisation by neighbouring Gulf states. According to the Companies House database, the UK’s registrar of companies, on 23rd October, Qatar Charity UK changed its company name to become the Nectar Trust. Mr al-Kuwari is one of only four trustees. The charity’s website is no longer active.
Mr al-Kuwari was previously head of information technology at the Qatari Ministry of Endowments and reportedly set up Islamweb, which issues religious edicts or fatwas. The ministry is listed as registrant and administrator of the website. In a 2007 posting, Mr Al-Kuwari is referred to as chairman of its board of directors, a role he held until 2010.
Qatar Charity UK told The Telegraph that during Mr al-Kuwari’s time as Islamweb chairman “he was not involved in the development or moderation of the website’s content or in its daily management. The views and contents expressed in the website do not reflect the views of Mr al-Kawari and cannot be attributed to him. They certainly do not reflect the views of and cannot be attributed in any way to QCUK.”
In 2015, Qatar Charity UK reportedly provided a grant of £400,000 for a “multipurpose centre in the UK”, a project they worked on with the Emaan Trust in Sheffield in the north of England. The Telegraph reported in June that one of the trustees of the Emaan Trust, Dr Essam Al Fulajii, said Muslims and Christians should unite against the “monster” Jews. In October 2015, Dr Al Fulajii reportedly wrote in the Al-Watan newspaper: “I am still convinced that the international Zionists and Mossad were behind the September 11 attacks in the US. There were no Jews in the two buildings at the time of the incident.” He also reportedly wrote an article for the Al Anba newspaper this April, entitled “The spread of Jews in the world,” where he claimed that “the Jewish people are the ones controlling the world.” He said that “This was done with great subtlety, planning, deceit, conspiracy, extortion, women, money, “riba”[usury] and organised crime and mafia.”