“Every single aspect of the COVID agenda is Jewish”: Antisemitic flyers distributed to Beverly Hills homes on eve of Chanukah
Antisemitic flyers alleging that the COVID-19 pandemic has been masterminded by Jews were distributed to Beverly Hills homes.
The flyers were found yesterday, shortly before the Jewish community ushered in the first night of Chanukah. Written at the top reads “Every single aspect of the COVID agenda is Jewish” alongside the domain “goyim.tv”, a website affiliated with the “Goyim Defence League”, a group whose membership reportedly contains several neo-Nazis and is understood to be led by Jon Minadeo II. The group is responsible for stunts such as visiting a Chabad centre to claim that “these Jewish terrorists” were behind 9/11, and hanging a banner on a Los Angeles overpass reading “Honk if you know the Jews want a race war.” Earlier this year, Mr Minadeo II created t-shirts carrying antisemitic slogans such as the Holocaust was “a hoax”. Most recently, they hung a banner from a bridge in Austin, Texas that read “Vax the Jews”.
The Beverly Hills Police Department released a statement in which it labelled the event a “hate incident” and confirmed that an investigation was underway. The police received a call from a resident shortly after 18:00 yesterday who reported “a flyer containing hate speech.” After undertaking a search, police discovered that more flyers of the same design, enclosed inside plastic bags of rice in order to anchor them, had been distributed across other homes nearby.
The flyer was described as a single eight-and-a-half-inch by eleven-inch sheet of paper that contained “propaganda style hate speech related to the COVID pandemic and the Jewish people.”
Singer Pat Boone said that “There is no rational reason for this kind of prejudice or bigotry. It is not founded on anything that makes any sense at all,” while Beverly Hills Mayor Robert Wunderlich reportedly said: “All too often Beverly Hills has been a target for various sorts of hate crimes and we won’t tolerate it.”
Anyone with information regarding the incident was urged to call the police at 310-550-4951.
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