Labour Councillor leaves: “As a Jew, I can’t stay in a party that tolerates antisemitism”
The only Labour Councillor in Shepway, Claire Jeffrey, has left the Labour Party, saying: “As a Jew, I can’t stay in a party that tolerates antisemitism.” Shepway District Council leader David Monk added: “She finds the party she knew and loved is no longer there.”
Later, writing on the Facebook page of Sussex Friends of Israel, Councillor Jeffrey, who represents East Folkestone, commented: “I just cannot stay in a party that tolerates antisemitism and terrorists…Sadly Jews are just not welcome in Corbyn’s Labour. It has been really hard but I had to be true to myself and my beliefs.” Asked by other Facebook users why her Twitter profile had disappeared, she wrote: “I deactivated my Twitter temporarily because I am receiving all sorts of abuse and threats.”
Earlier this week, Lord Parry Mitchell resigned from the Labour Party for the same reason, saying that the leadership of the Labour Party “flirts with antisemitism”.