Cardiff University refuses to adopt International Definition of Antisemitism in order to avoid “potentially divisive situation”
Cardiff University has refused to adopt the International Definition of Antisemitism in order to avoid a “potentially divisive situation.”
Campaign Against Antisemitism has seen a response by the University to a letter that was sent from the Cardiff University Conservative Association requesting that the University adopts the Definition, in which the University Council refused, stating in its reply that it had concerns about how other groups may react.
The response also said that “adopting selected religion- or race-specific definitions may have the unfortunate consequence of appearing to exclude other faith groups or races in relation to whom definitions are not adopted.” The letter went on to say: “Avoiding such a potentially divisive situation was key to Council’s decision not to adopt either definition.”
The Council stated that the University’s existing framework for tackling racism was sufficient, and that its policies would be subject to ongoing evaluation.
Despite deciding to not adopt the Definition, the University said that it refers to the Definition in its intranet guidance section within its Dignity at Work and Study policy.
The Vice-Chancellor of the University has recommended late last year that the University adopts the Definition. The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Sub-committee of the Senate then voted in favour of adoption, but not unanimously, and so decided to “pause and engage in further discussion”, after which “the issue was…appropriately brought to University Council for advice.”
Campaign Against Antisemitism calls on Cardiff University to reconsider its decision and join the over half of British universities who have pledged their support to tackling antisemitism on campus by adopting the Definition, and we applaud the Cardiff University Conservative Association for valiantly leading on this issue on campus.
Recently, Campaign Against Antisemitism’s researchers recorded that half of all universities in the UK have now adopted the International Definition of Antisemitism. Widespread adoption of the Definition also shows that those universities in Britain that have yet to adopt the Definition will become increasingly isolated.
Campaign Against Antisemitism monitors the adoption of the International Definition of Antisemitism by universities.
If any students are concerned about antisemitism on campus or need assistance, they can call us on 0330 822 0321, or e-mail [email protected].