Disciplinary charges against Jewish student for complaining about lecturer’s “Israel lobby” remark dropped by Warwick University
Dubious disciplinary charges against a Jewish student who complained about antisemitism have been dropped by Warwick University.
The President of the Warwick Jewish Israeli Society submitted a complaint on behalf of a member against Dr Goldie Osuri for saying, in a lecture on 11th November 2019, that “the next time they say that the Labour Party is antisemitic, you know there are some people possibly that are possibly antisemitic, but this idea that the Labour Party is antisemitic is very much an Israeli lobby kind of idea.”
However, the complaint was rejected by the University, which backed the controversial academic, who doubled down on her outrageous claims. She also apparently emailed the entire class about the complaint and was absurdly portrayed by allies as being victimised because she is a “lecturer of colour”.
Dr Osuri then made two counter-complaints against the President of the Jewish Israeli Society, the first relating to the recording and publishing of her lecture and the second with regard to the University’s ‘Dignity at Warwick’ policy, which had allegedly been breached by supposed “harassment” of an academic and the “submission of a vexatious complaint”.
Warwick has now dropped the complaints, however, following representations from the student.
Throughout this saga, Warwick, which only grudgingly adopted the International Definition of Antisemitism after considerable pressure, has shown itself unwilling to address antisemitism. On this occasion, it has at least stopped short of punishing the victims.
Campaign Against Antisemitism has been working with the student.
Previously, concerns were raised over the University’s failure to address a scandal over a group chat which gained national attention, in which antisemitic, misogynistic, abusive and threatening messages, including rape threats, were uncovered.
If any students are concerned about antisemitism on campus or need assistance, they can call us on 0330 822 0321, or e-mail [email protected].