Hope Sussex Community to host antisemitic hate preacher David Icke at festival
Hope Sussex Community is reportedly due to host the antisemitic hate preacher and conspiracy theorist, David Icke, at an upcoming festival.
According to its website, the group is “a community that loves, learns and grows together”.
In the website’s section for “Education & Empowerment”, it reads: “State schools are unfit for purpose, they are increasingly pushing an agenda that is harmful and eroding to our society, while being falsely presented as ‘social progress’.”
It is understood that Hope Sussex Community is currently under investigation by Ofsted as a suspected unregulated illegal school. Earlier this year, the group denied allegations of teaching conspiracy theories. A spokesperson for the group said: “We teach [students] to think critically at all times and to question everything, to investigate themselves and not to believe the often harmful state propaganda peddled on our TV screens.”
Two of the organisation’s founders, Sadie Single and Matthew Single, are reported to be former members of the British National Party who were expelled in 2019 after they leaked personal details of the Party’s membership online.
The organisation is currently advertising its festival, the “Freedom Music Festival”, for which Mr Icke is a “special guest”.
Mr Icke uses social media, his books and his stage performances to incite hatred. His preaching is so absurd that since the 1990s he has been dismissed as a crank, but because he is dismissed, there has been no major opposition to him and he has built up a following of thousands upon thousands of disciples whom he has persuaded to adamantly believe that the world is in the grip of a conspiracy run by the “Rothschild Zionists”. His repertoire includes conspiracy myths and tropes classified as antisemitic according to the International Definition of Antisemitism, adopted by the British Government. Campaign Against Antisemitism has successfully persuaded some venues to pull out of hosting his events.
After years of pressure from Campaign Against Antisemitism, Mr Icke was banned from most social media platforms.