Members of neo-Nazi group National Action who named their son “Adolf” jailed
Members from the neo-Nazi group, National Action, who named their son “Adolf” have been jailed.
Adam Thomas, 22, was found guilty of being a member of National Action, which was proscribed as a terrorist organisation at the culmination of a long campaign by Campaign Against Antisemitism and others.
Mr Thomas stood trial with his partner, Claudia Patatas, and Daniel Bogunovic, who were also convicted of the same charge alongside him at Birmingham Crown Court. The couple gave their son the middle name “Adolf” and owned a large collection of Nazi and far-right memorabilia.
On 18th December, Mr Thomas was sentenced for six years and six months, Patatas for five years and Bogunovic for six years and four months. Three other men had also pleaded guilty to membership of the group.
Image credit: West Midlands Police