Yet another neo-Nazi band says it has played a major gig in the UK and will be “back soon”
The Home Office has yet again failed to prevent a vehemently antisemitic neo-Nazi band from entering the country, despite receiving ample warning from Campaign Against Antisemitism.
Some of Legion Twierdzy Wrocław’s songs are intrinsically antisemitic, Przetrwać by Zwyciężyć, appears to use coded neo-Nazi language to call for the annihilation of the Jewish People: “I will not rest until the vanishing of the whole tribe, the Khazars [a coded euphemism for Jews], The war lasts for generations. The flame that does not go out…My Aryan Homeland”. The band also uses the Auschwitz death camp entrance gate slogan “Arbeit macht frei” on its Facebook page, which is also filled with photographs of and information about the Nazis. The band also repeatedly uses a coded number, 1488, which means “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Heil Hitler.”
Campaign Against Antisemitism was alerted to Legion Twierdzy Wroclaw’s gig by journalist Colin Cortbus, an expert on the far-Right. We immediately made representations to the Home Office, calling on the band to be banned from entering the country, and the Metropolitan Police Service.
The band has now posted on its Facebook page that it played in London and will be “back soon”.
The band is believed to be part of the dangerous international neo-Nazi “Blood and Honour” network which recently organised a weekend rave in Cambridgeshire which attracted neo-Nazis from all over Europe. Attendees performed Nazi salutes in response to calls of “Sieg Heil” from the stage and sported swastikas, including a Union Jack superimposed with a swastika. Vehemently antisemitic songs were performed, including “Once a nation, now we’re run by Jews” before declaring: “It’s time we drove out the traitors” — clear criminal incitement to racial hatred.
The far-Right was once considered a spent force in Britain but for some years it has been re-establishing its foothold, aided by neo-Nazi and fascist organisations across Europe and the United States. British neo-Nazis must not be allowed to gain strength through links with foreign neo-Nazi groups.
It is horrifying that neo-Nazi bands are repeatedly being allowed by the Home Office to enter the country. This neo-Nazi incitement is dangerous and threatens the safety of British Jews. We will be taking this up with the Government.